Albufeira Roma families to be 'temporaily re-housed' after 20 years in tents

gypsycartA group of Roma families that has been living in tents for over twenty years in the Orada area of Albufeira are to be housed, albeit  temporarily, in prefabricated houses in Escarpão.

Albufeira council, along with the local Santa Casa da Misericórdia, said that eight families will benefit from the move, a total of 39 people. One of the benefits is that those applying for minimum guaranteed income payments (RMG) need to have a fixed abode, rather than a flapping tent, with which to register.

This temporary solution for a community "which occupied and settled on a plot of land in the Orada area over two decades ago" was unanimously approved at a council meeting. The project also was discussed at the Social Network of Albufeira council, where it also was unanimously approved.

The Sanacai Village Insertion Community project "aims to provide these householders with basic skills on a personal, housing, educational, professional and cultural level through multidisciplinary monitoring" as well as "promote the sustainability of these households with a view to their eventual autonomy," according to an ambitious council notice.

"This project assumes the need for this community to adopt new habits, new values ​​and new ways of living, preserving and valuing the more specific aspects of Roma culture, but looking for the balance between individual and collective rights and duties for Roma and non-Roma communities," the local authority added.

On the other hand, the Village of Sanacai project “will provide decent housing conditions and enable an immediate improvement in the life of this community that includes 23 children and youngsters who will see improved conditions for study, essential for promoting success in school and for the possibility of their integration when adults.”