Turbulence - Qatar Airways flight makes emergency landing in Açores with injured passengers on board

qutarAirwaysA Qatar Airways flight made an emergency landing in the Açores this morning which resulted in ten passengers being injured.

The plane landed at the Lajes airbase on Terceira Island. According to Correio da Manhã, with strong in-flight turbulence causing injuries to passengers which forced the flight to land at the nearest airport.

On landing, one passenger had to be transported to hospital suffering from heart problems and others with injuries caused by the turbulence.

A replacement aircraft is travelling to the airbase to collect the stranded passengers that are fit to fly and is due to land at around 10:00 this evening, Sunday December 4.

No official announcement has been made by the airline but social media postings describe structural damage to the aircraft and that several people suffered fractures.

A journalist from the Al-Jazeera television network who was aboard the plane from Washington to Doha, Qatar, confirmed through social networks that an emergency landing was made as injured passengers were on board after the flight hit bad turbulence.

Azad Essa revealed on Twitter that passengers are still waiting at the Lajes air base, "There is no information, there is no food, there is no compassion for the older passengers elders or for the children, it is shocking."