Councillor's car torched in Lagos

fireA well-known lawyer from Lagos had his car torched, alongside two other vehicles, outside an apartment block in Cerro das Mós in Lagos.

The three vehicles were completely destroyed by the fire which started last Friday night.

Authorities believe it was a criminal act, but so far there are no detainees with the Lagos PSP leaving the investigation to the Judiciary Police.

According to witnesses, fire in the two of the vehicles fire started at the same time, with the third car, the one in the middle, catching fire as the blaze intensified. The bombeiros were at the scene within 12 minutes and soon has the fires put out.

As the middle car went up last, this ends any idea that the fire was caused by a short-circuit.

One of the cars destroyed is owned by a well-known lawyer from Lagos, who also is on the council - significantly expanding the list of people who might have held a grudge.