Lisbon mayor sent booby-trapped letter from UK

Lisbon mayor sent booby-trapped letter from UKPJ police are investigating a boody-trapped letter which arrived at the offices of Lisbon mayor Fernando Medina earlier this week, addressed to him personally.

The letter was opened by a 55-year-old member of staff - understood to have worked at the council for decades - who noticed a “strong odour” before being overcome by a range of symptoms ranging from eye and throat irritation to dizziness and headache.

The woman was treated in S. José hospital and released on Wednesday morning, reports Correio da Manhã.

She has since given a statement to PJ counterterrorism police, who have sealed the contents of the letter in a hermetic container.

According to a council source, the letter itself ‘raised no suspicions’. Medina regularly receives letters from abroad, and this one looked every bit as ‘normal’ as any other correspondence that arrives in his office.

Medina, however, has “refused to discuss” the incident, says CM - stressing it is unclear whether the name and address of the sender was visible on the outside of the envelope.


Article by kind permission of Portugal Resident