Olhão's principal Church seriously damaged by inept repair work

crucifix1The Algarve’s Regional Directorate of Culture has ordered the immediate suspension of work being carried out on the walls of Olhão's principal church, Nossa Senhora do Rosário.

The exterior walls of this Property of National Interest are undergoing repair and renovation prior to repainting which, on the north side, seemed to be going well.

When workmen moved to the south side of the church and started working on the walls either side of the main entrance doors, Olhão’s ever-vigilant local cadre of architects and historians were swift to point out that the cement-based render being spread across the old lime-wash surface was not only out of keeping with the church’s existing material, but would act to trap moisture within the walls and cause irrevocable damage to the building’s structure.

The use of a jet-washing machine on the external decorative plasterwork also came in for sharp criticism as the criticism grew in volume.

Social networks picked up on the architectural travesty and a complaint was lodged with the Regional Directorate of Culture which has acted with commendable swiftness to halt the destructive work that had been commissioned by the parish council.

Fernando Silva Grade, the celebated local architect, considered the new cement coating a monumental crime and Sul Informação reports that the parish priest in charge of the church claimed to be unaware that he needed permission from the Directorate before commissioning work on the building.

The Church authorities now have to submit a report written by an architect, who needs to specify what has been done so far, and what the intention is to do the work properly.
The Regional Directorate of Culture of the Algarve has told Olhão council to ensure no further work is carried out until the proper steps have been taken.

It is likely that the work to date on the south side of the building will have to be removed but how this now can be done without destroying the centuries of lime-wash layers that give the church its external character, remains to be seen.




Photo by Fernando Silva Grade from Facebook