Monchique's Medronho Festival - 'quality, not quantity'

medronhoMonchique council is continuing its support for the local 'medronho economy' by putting on a two day Medronho Festival starting on April 1st.

Mayor, Rui André said, medronho, the local spirit made from the fruit of the strawberry tree, is one of the rural council's local products that is included in a strategy to produce 'quality, not quantity.'

Local stills, many in remote farms, continue to produce Monchique's famous liquid and the producers will come to the festival which, unsurprisingly, is a fairly boozy affair but hosts the usual diversions of exhibitions, debates, art and an innovative medronho cocktail competition: although many agree the spirit is best drunk neat and fast.

The council has been instrumental in sorting out the scattered group of producers with 85 now producing the liquid under a trademark system in strict compliance with the law and agreed production methods. Serra de Monchique is the home of a medronho of exceptional quality selling for around €25 a litre.

"With this stabilisation of the medronho production sector we have achieved important added value and have maintained economic activity in the county, as well sowing the seeds to attract future generations to keep on producing medronho and to stay in Monchique," said the mayor.

The council has done more than help producers upgrade their facilities to ensure a stable quality product, it also has been helping to protect fruit production and to promote links between producers and retailers, shortening the distribution chain and increasing farm incomes.

"The production of medronho in Monchique is not on a large scale, nor do we want quantity - we prefer the quality of the product," says the mayor, agreeing that most of the medrohno produced is sold locally and as a quality product.

Rui André ended by saying that the Medronho festival positions Monchique as the Capital do Medronho, which it has been for generations.