Easier to switch gas and electricity supplier with new government edict

edpThe government has passed an edict that, in theory, makes it easier for consumers to change their gas and electricity suppliers.

Diário da República has published details of the legal regime that give the energy agency, ADENE, the responsibility for ensuring that all consumer rights are respected when people want to make the change.

The diploma states that the new regime will "ensure that the switch of electricity and natural gas supplier by the consumer is carried out swiftly, based on simple, transparent, standardised rules and procedures,” as well making sure that clear information is made available.

The advisory functions, to be taken on by ADENE, include the management and maintenance of the a website where consumers can switch supplier and to provide information on how to choose and change supplier, tariffs, deadlines and offer answers to questions.

With Galp and EDP recently fined for befuddling consumers and hiding information in their bottom drawers, customers can not expect an easy ride despite the government diploma stating that all will be simple and easy.