President Marcelo jets from Cape Verde to Senegal

President Marcelo jets from Cape Verde to SenegalJournalists complain it’s hard work following Portugal’s energetic president Marcelo. This week has been no exception. From a visit to former colony Cape Verde, he has jetted off to Senegal - to be the first Portuguese head of state to visit the country, linked to Portugal through the Discoveries, since the April 25 revolution.

A highlight of the trip will be the delivery of 162 ambulances equipped by a Portuguese firm.

But there is a lot more in the background.

Senegal is essentially French-speaking, but there are areas where a form of Portuguese crioule is prevalent, and Portuguese as a foreign language has been on the country’s education curriculum since 1961.

Geographically close to both Cape Verde and Guinea-Bissau (another former Portuguese colony), Senegal is thus “close to Portuguese-speaking countries, and keen for any opportunities this may involve.

But another aspect - less well known - is the issue of “enslaved children in false Koranic schools of Senegal, some of which were rescued as a result of the work of Portuguese photographer Mário Cruz”.

Says Lusa, Cruz’ work won World Press Photo acclaim, and he went on to present the president with a book on it last October.

Portugal also owes Senegal a visit of thanks, for the country’s support of the candidacy of former prime minister António Guterres to the post of UN secretary-general, adds Lusa.

President Marcelo’s trip will last until Friday.


Article by kind permission of Portugal Resident