Whatsapp child porn ring smashed

11416A network of 100 distribution groups for the sexual exploitation of children through various digital platforms has been dismantled with one of the 38 arrests made in Portugal

More than 100 groups used Whatsapp and Darkweb to share child pornography. The criminals were detected in a transnational police operation to combat the distribution of child porn using digital platforms.

The arrests occurred in Portugal, Spain, Italy, Germany, Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Mexico, Paraguay and Peru.

Europol issued a statement today, saying that "in Operation Tantalio, 38 people have been arrested on suspicion of distributing child sexual exploitation material through Darkweb and the WhatsApp networks."

Home searches led to the seizure of hundreds of devices containing several terabytes of child pornography.

The seized material is now being analysed by investigators in an attempt to identify those children who have been victims of these crimes and to remove them from further danger.