Suspects detained in Loulé stadium killing

11316Police have detained two Ukrainian men suspected of klling a fellow homeless man near the Municipal Stadium in Loulé two weeks ago.

In today’s statement, a Judicial Police spokesman said that the suspects, between late afternoon on April 5th and the morning of April 6th, "strangled and jumped on the body of a man, inflicting injuries that caused his death."

The defendants and the 54-year-old victim, also from the Ukraine, had no defined occupations, lived inside vehicles parked at the scene and the reason for the attack seems to have resulted from an argument among the three that clearly had got out of control.

An autopsy showed the victim has been strangled and that some of his ribs were broken.

The detainees, aged 44 and 45, will now be presented to the judicial authorities and, due to the serious nature of the charges, will likely be held on remand until tried.