Weapons seized in the Algarve sent off for destruction or public auction

gunsThe Faro District Command of the Public Security Police has announced that it has sent 1,500 firearms and replicas that have been amassed at the district Arms and Explosives unit, for destruction and disposal the national Arms and Explosives Unit.

The weapons and replicas collected across the Algarve region are the result of stop and search actions and arms seizures by the police investigating crimes, with many of the weapons handed in by locals.

Most of the weapons will be destroyed, says the security police, with others being used by security forces in their training or auctioned off to the public, thus allowing them back on the market, albeit to licensed users.

Any weapons that have been used in crimes will be destroyed and the police are at pains to emphasise that sending these weapons to the national Arms and Explosives Unit "is another step towards guaranteeing the Algarve as a safe and quiet area."