António Domingues was paid €120,000 for four months work at Caixa Geral

caixageral2António Domingues was paid over €120,000 in the four months he was in charge of Caixa Geral de Depósitos, according to the 2016 annual report from the State owned bank.

Domingues was paid a salary of €30,214 per month between September and December last year, significantly more than José de Matos, who was president of the bank until August 31, 2016 and who struggled by on €16,578 a month.

This monthly amount is paid in 14 transfers, so extra payments for holiday and Christmas will be paid proportionally for the months worked.

There is a bonus award that is not noted in the 21016 accounts but which could be paid out in years to come depending on 'longer-term goals being met,' even though Domingues no longer is in charge.

As for the other directors of Caixa Geral, brought in by Domingues on equally heightened salaries compared to their predecessors, each received an average of €23,000 a month.

Under the former directorship of José de Matos, each of his directors received an average of €11,000 in monthly salary.

António Domingues was president of Caixa Geral in a four-month term marked by several controversies.

The first was over the salary rates agreed with the Minister of Finance who countered criticism of heightened remuneration levels by claiming the bank now had ‘a dream team’ in position to rescue the ailing institution.

The second controversy that is being investigated by a committee of inquiry this week, is the agreement between the minister and Domigues that neither the head of the bank or his fellow directors should be put through the inconvenience of submitting income and asset statements, unlike everyone else running a State controlled business.

This was Domingues’ downfall and he resigned, leaving the bank no better off than when he joined - but he was better off by €120,000, peanuts to this millionaire whose idea of public service was to ensure his own financial comfort and attempt to have the law changed to accommodate his own desire for fiscal privacy.

A gentleman would return the money as it can not be said that taxpayers got the best of Domingues' skills and talent while he was bogged down by these controversies of his own making.

Prior to joining the public bank, Domingues was vice-president of Banco BPI, a position he held until June 2016, for which he received an annual salary of €233,000, according to the BPI report and accounts for 2016.

At the last annual general meeting of BPI, in April, the remuneration for retiring directors was approved. António Domingues was handed €106.700 but far from retiring, he moved to Caixa Geral.