Monchique mining - local Council now gets a say in licensing applications

MonchiqueTownViewPortugal’s Green party asked the Ministry of Economy if it knew what was going on with the feldspar mining application that has Monchique residents and ecological groups on red alert as to further activities by mining company Sifucel.

The Greens wanted to know whether the Ministry of Economy would be paying any attention at all to the local council when considering authorising mining feldspar in Monchique, especially in registered ecological, Natura 2000 and Monchique Special Protection Zone areas.

In a turnaround from a government usually keen to impose its will, rather than include local stakeholders in its decisions, the answer was ‘yes’ on both counts with the ministry confirming that from now on, it will take into account what the local council has to say on such sensitive mining matters.

In Monchique’s case, Mayor Rui André, already has said he will stand in front of the machines if mining goes ahead on south facing areas that should be protected by existing environmental legislation.

Sifucel submitted a misleading Environmental Impact Assessment to the Portuguese Environmental Agency whcih by now should have ended its deliberations, and Felmica also has submitted a licence application to look for feldspar in this sensitive natural area.

Monchique council is completely in opposition to mining in all south facing areas, as is the parish council in Alferce where damage by Sifucel’s illegal land clearance operation in Carapitotas, was halted by quick thinking locals, an injunction and the seizure of equipment.

The Greens also point out that there are grave concerns over subterranean water supplies and that the current quarries in the area cannot be held up as shining examples of environmental rectitude.