Lagos council widens free WiFi access to serve tourists

wifiThe Municipality of Lagos has signed a financing agreement with Turismo de Portugal for the creation of city WI-FI zones.

In addition to some existing zones, Lagos will have five more areas of WiFi coverage, namely in Largo de la Iglesia de Santo António, Praça Infante D. Henrique, Praça de Gil Eanes, Largo do Marquês de Pombal and the area near the municipal market.

The initiative is costing €60,086 and aims to guarantee free and permanent connection to the internet as part of the Valorizar Programme to creation Wi-Fi access zones.

The project is essentially aimed at tourist areas and an app will provide visitors with information on points of interest, cultural events, a map with the free WI-FI zones shown and direct access to the fun-filled website for the local council.
The project is expected to be completed in August this year, and Lagos council really did say that it is convinced that "this paradigm shift requires measures to reclassify and convert existing public spaces into dynamic and connected environments."

For the municipality, the project aims to "support all visitors to enjoy as much of the municipality as possible", as "sharing of experiences in social networks is encouraged as an alternative vehicle for the promotion of tourism in Lagos."