Admirable government response to forest fire tradegy - 61 deaths confirmed

FireLeiriaSmallCarsNational and international media has been reporting extensively on the forest fire in the Leiria district that so far has claimed the lives of 61 people, including four children, many of whom were burnt alive in their vehicles are they tried to flee the flames sweeping through tinder-dry forests. 59 are known to be injured, many of them seriously.

The great fire of Pedrógão Grande is the latest entry in Portugal’s history books as the government announces three days of national mourning with Jorge Gomes, the Secretary of State for the Interior, the Prime Minster and the President of the Republic (who has cancelled all appointments for the week ahead) all deeply involved in doing what is necessary for those affected by the devastation caused by a fire that is still raging.

At least 61 people have been killed in the inferno that started near Pedrógão Grande and continued through Figueiró dos Vinhos on Saturday evening, triggered by a lightning strike on a tree. Flames soon were fanned by storm force winds and swiftly spread to entrap villages and envelop roads as locals fled.

"Whenever I come to you, unfortunately, I bring an increased number: we now have 62 dead and two of them are victims of a road accident as they fled," Jorge Gomes told reporters at the scene earlier this afternoon at one of his regular press briefings.

As for the fire, Gomes said that the four fronts remain active, two of them burning "with much violence" and two where firefighters are gaining ground.

These events have highlighted Portugal’s totally inadequate airborne response with all but two of a fleet of six Kamov helicopters unfit to fly despite the fleet costing €34 million a year for the past ten years.

Spain dispatched two water-bombing planes on Sunday morning to aid the Portuguese fire service, while France sent three aircraft.

The Spanish prime minister, Mariano Rajoy, promised to provide any assistance necessary, commenting on Twitter, “Stunned by the tragedy in Pedrógão Grande. The Portuguese people can depend on our solidarity, support and affection.”

These back-up Canadair aeroplanes will provide airborne water drops across the seemingly endless fire fronts but the home-based helicopter response has been limited due to corruption and third rate kit.   

Gomes warned that the authorities are very worried that there are still high cross-winds, the same situation as on Saturday which caused the fire to spread so rapidly. More than 350 soldiers on Sunday joined around 700 firefighters.

The Government has decreed three days of national mourningand a state of emergency

 In the early afternoon, Portugal’s Prime Minister António Costa arrived in Pedrógão Grande, where he told reporters that "the priority has been to combat the fires that are still raging, to identifying the victims, not only those that have already been found but those who have yet to be recovered because there are areas that have not yet been accessed."

António Costa, was accompanied by the Secretary of State for Social Security, the Minister of Agriculture and by the Minister of Planning, and said to the press, "This is what I’ve come here to do: to begin to respond to the populations in terms of emergency accommodation, in terms of ensuring income, restoration of production and infrastructure."

Costa said he has received expressions of solidarity from all the political leaders of Europe and that he has had the opportunity to speak with all Portugal’s political party leaders, "I want to underline the great sense of national unity with which the country is facing this tragedy," adding that on Saturday, the various fire services across the country had to deal with 156 fires.

The scene around Pedrógão Grande is one of total devastation with many pictures released today showing a line of burnt-out vehicles along a road bordered by grey, charred forest.  

The police have been trying to ensure that bodies are identified and searches continue through the charred landscape to find more victims as locals do not yet know who is alive and who died.

The national director of the Judicial Police said the fire had not been started deliberately as the GNR had found the very tree that had been hit by a lightning bolt which started events leading to this appalling carnage.

In contrast to the British government’s response to the tower block fire in London last week, the response from the Portuguese government has been exemplary, the hiring of additional aerial equipment was swift, the fire service has responded admirably with members among the seriously injured, and the work to find further victims and to start to rebuild villages and livelihoods can start as soon as the fire is put out, which might take some time yet.

 "It is a time of pain but also ... a time to carry on the fight" against the flames, President Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa told the nation in a televised address on Sunday evening.




For a vew of the road where so many died, see:


A message from River Adams on facebook

"So sad for Portugal. It's a place I came to by chance for a few weeks but fell in love with the humble people, the weather and the open culture. It's a place I now call home and am proud to say that I live here. The wild fires have destroyed homes, lives and have taken many souls, it's so sad and really breaks my heart.... is there a way we can help?

"I am Looking for advice and a way to contribute or to offer services. Please advise and we can help to share.... I am sure that every ex-pat living here will contribute to help the people affected. Prayers and love for the families suffering.... don't let them feel alone."


There is a Caixa Geral account number into which donations can be sent:

The CGD solidarity account number is: IBAN PT50 0035 0001 00100000330 42, using the number 0001 100000 330

and PayPal and account details for : AIL-ASSOCIACAO PARA ALERTA DE INCENDIO FLORESTRAL" NIPC 514208295
