Forest Fire Portugal - please help if you can

Forest Fire Portugal - please donate if you canHaving seen the horrendous Grenfell Tower disaster we are only too aware of the heartache and total decimation of a community.

Our beloved Portugal has suffered its own devastating disaster with the loss of many lives in the centre of country near Coimbra and Leiria. Please help the appeal during these three days of national mourning.

CLICK HERE to go to JustGiving to make a donation.

Amovate have again been asked to advertise an appeal for the Bombeiros. This is initially for supplies for the Aljezur Bombeiros, but if their personnel are required to cover other areas, or if another area is desperate for supplies, then these will be used.
Sally Henman is the co-ordinator for the Aljezur Bombeiros, and they will contact her to co-ordinate the dispatch of what and when is required. If you need to speak to Sally, her number is 927 722 476.

The Aljezur Bombeiros have asked that people DO NOT directly drop off supplies as they have no storage. Donations of items listed below can be dropped off at the Amovate Old School House in Vales.

** SMALL Waters

** High Energy Snacks & Drinks

** Non Perishables

** Socks

** Towels

** Burn Cream