Debt agencies hassle consumers over unenforceable energy and telecom bills

electricityDeco’s Regional office in the Algarve has received numerous complaints from consumers who are being plagued by debt collectors, pressing to extract payment for old telecommunications and energy company bills.

The debt collectors are working through lists that are so old - some of them almost 10 years overdue – that customers are under no legal obligation to pay for services for which they have never been sent a bill.

Consumer organisation, Deco, says that as the bills come under laws relating to Essential Public Services, hence, "The right to receive an invoice for the service provided is due within six months."

Therefore, the consumer can refuse payment of any amounts now being demanded by invoking this consumer law. This must be done in writing by registered letter with a proof of receipt.

If the customer is pressurised and pays the bill, this amount  may not later be reclaimed, even if is an old debt and not legally enforceable.

A standard letter is available from Deco which may be used for invoking the prescription of debts. In addition, the Association provides consumers with a mediation service to companies providing or collecting services.

The 6-month limit for bills is for all essential public services, namely telecoms, electricity, gas and water.

Deco, in Rua Dr. Coelho de Carvalho, nº 1 C, in Faro, can be visited to collect a copy of the necessary letter, during normal working hours.