Convicted murderer gets a further 17 years for raping teenagers

ReiGhobiFrancisco Leitão has been on trial for 542 crimes of the violation of minors between 2009 and 2010 and today was sentenced to 17 years in prison which will run concurrently with the 25 years he already is serving.

Leitão, a scrap metal dealer known as Rei Ghob, posed as a friend to youngsters between 14 and 17-years-old, paid for dinners and drinks and offered them mobile phones while persuading them that he had ‘supernatural powers.’

He took the young men to his house in Carqueja, Lourinhã, where he frightened them by saying they or their families, were in danger of death.

To stop supernatural forces causing these imagined events, the youngsters had to subject themselves to 'energy injections' which, as described in the indictment, would be transmitted from the defendant's body to the victim's body through sexual intercourse.

Leitão was arrested in July, 2010, and was detained by the Judicial Police as the main suspect in the murder of Tânia Ramos, Ivo Delgado e Joana Correia, crimes for which he was sentenced to 25 years in prison in 2012.

During the trial, Francisco Leitão remained silent, offering no statement to the panel of judges.

Today’s sentence of 17 years for rape will run alongside the 25 year sentence he already is serving at the Vale de Judeus Prison, Alcoentre.