GNR teams spend a week checking out Portugal's railway stations

tgvTeams from Portugal’s National Republican Guard (GNR) and Public Security Police have spent a fruitful week wandering up and down the country, checking trains and railway stations.

The objective was the ‘intensified control and supervision on international and national trains on 11th to 18th September, as well as of railway stations throughout the national territory.’

The operation was carried out in coordination with the Foreigners and Border Service (SEF) and the rail company resulting in 252 railway stations being inspected:   

  • 331 trains inspected
  • 2,491 persons inspected
  •  2,690 items of baggage checked 
  •  56 joints of hashish seized
  • One person arrested for drug trafficking
  • One person detained for being in the country illegally

This Rail Action Week was an initiative from the European Network of Railway Police Forces, RAILPOL, where the GNR is the national representative.

The inspections were carried out simultaneously across many European rail networks with a view to improving safety, improving efficiency in combating crime and strengthening cooperation between EU member states.

The operation was focusing on the prevention of robbery in stations and on trains; theft of non-precious metals in stations, train lines, trains and signage; illegal immigration; trafficking in narcotics; criminality related to aggressive or antisocial behavior and graffiti, damage and vandalism.