Brazilian crooks have Portuguese Golden Visas

eurozoneStaff at the Foreigners and Borders Service claim not to have been given information about Golden Visa applicants who also are suspects in the biggest corruption purge in Brazil's history.

Many of those being investigated in the ‘Lava-Jato’ investigation, who applied for Golden Visa for Portugal, were granted them, ‘no questions asked.’

The SEF claims not to have received information on foreign suspects who are being investigated by the courts in Brazil. Cearly, staff have not been reading the papers or using the internet to search for key names, most of which are widely reported. The Guardian has issued information in a highly embarrassing commentary highlighting Portugal's lack of internal controls when issuing these coveted visas.

The General Inspectorate of Internal Administration audited the Golden Visa granting process and found ‘no irregularities’ despite convicted criminals and those wanted for arrest, helping to make up the list.

One of the businessmen, the former president of construction company Andrade Gutierrez, was sentenced for corruption in 2016 - Golden Visa, no problem.

In addition to those involved in Brazil’s Lava-Jato case, Golden Visas for investment were granted to Manuel Vicente, the Angolan vice-president, and to his family members. The Angolan politician is wanted in Portugal for questioning on money laundering charges.

SEF says that all "these cases are not beyond the control of the SEF. The SEF strictly follows all legally established security procedures both when Golden Visas are first issued and when they are renewed.

Adding that “a non-renewal of residence permit, or its cancellation, may be triggered if necessary if this is justified at any time."

The SEF procedures are meant to include the evaluation of criminal records, consultation of national and international databases and the exchange of information with overseas police forces.

Another curious situation is the $50,000 annual limit for Chinese wishing to transfer money out of their country. The overwhelming majority of Golden Visa applicants are Chinese but it is not known if the source of their money is investigated.