Beer sales up due to improving economy and thirsty tourists

beerdrinkerBeer slurpers in Portugal managed to guzzle 8% more last year as the economy improved, the weather stayed finer for longer and thirsty tourists flooded into the country.
Beer exports were up nearly 13%, compared to 2016, according to Brewers of Portugal, new name for the Portuguese Association of Beer Producers.
These figures "attest to the vitality of the sector and its importance to the national GDP," say the brewers, with annual consumption per capital reaching "51 litres compared to 47 litres in 2016, reflecting both the increase in the level of consumer confidence and the increase in tourist activity in Portugal in the last year."
"The 2017 results have shown that this is a sector that constantly is renewing itself, clearly visible in the proliferation of breweries and microbrewers launching new types of beers," added the trade association.