Challenger announced for Algarve's tourist board presidency

beachalbandeiraJoão Fernandes is being put forward by the region’s socialist mayors to challenge Desidério Silva’s bid to retain his comfy position as the president of the Algarve’s tourist board.
The decision to support Fernandes was taken by the region’s socialist mayors during a meeting on April 4th.
The mayors' choice has been sent to the president of the Socialist Party Federation, Luís Graça, who will formally invite Fernandes to challenge Silva for the position.
João Fernandes, 44, currently is the vice-president of tourist board so his knowledge of the organisation, as well as the experience he has gained over the past five years, were decisive factors for the socialist mayors who have the right to select and support a candidate.
The election contest is due to take place on May 11th with the Social Democrat, Desidério Silva, already campaigning in local media with press releases as to why he is the best man for the job which, should he be successful, carries a further five year mandate.
Many involved in the business of tourism, rue the fact that this is a political appointment rather than one based on past performance, knowledge of the market, a strong and relevant CV, business acumen and a flair for promotion.
Desidério Silva was the mayor of Albufeira before leaving mid-term to lead the tourist board. He left behind a financial morass and famously was responsible for an expensive flood relief project that failed on first contact with heavy weather in November 2015, flooding the city centre and causing over €20 million of damage.
Detractors claim that Silva has riden on the boom in tourism that has dragged the Algarve from low occupancy and shuttered hotels to the nation's tourism powerhouse with associated tax revenues having a direct impact on the buoyant national accounts.
Certainly, Silva has been in the right place at the right time and it remains to be seen whether his weight will carry him through to a successful second term.