Vila do Bispo - the most transparent Council in the country

ViladoBispoLogoVila do Bispo council, under the presidency of Adelino Soares, is the most transparent council in the country.

This first place accolade resulted from data published by the NGO, Transparency and Integrity, the representative in Portugal of anti-corruption network Transparency International.

Vila do Bispo council obtained a score of 90.66 out of a possible 100 according to the listing in Municipal Transparency Index 2017.

Adelino Soares welcomed the position achieved, which “reflects the objectives of the current council executive to implement a rigorous and transparent municipal management system enabling citizen to have a better knowledge of the council activity.

For 2018, Soares promised that, "we will work even more to improve the score."

The Municipal Transparency Index started in 2013 and is based on information taken from the websites of Portugal’s 308 municipalities.

The process is composed of 76 indicators grouped in seven categorties: Information about the Organisation, Social Composition and Functioning of the Municipality; Plans and Reports; Taxes, Fees, Tariffs, Prices and Regulations; Public Procurement; Economic and Financial Transparency; and urban planning regulation transparency.

Transparency and Integrity evaluates the degree of transparency of each municipality, after analysing available information to come up with ranking.

TIAC is a non-governmental organization whose mission is to combat corruption.

The results were known today and they can be consulted through: