PM announces study into new hospital for Algarve

hospitalchartThe prime minister announced in parliament today that the government will begin studies into the construction of a new central hospital for the Algarve."
We have to open studies on the hospital of the Algarve," said António Costa, during a debate that also covered five new medical facilities to be built over the next few years as detailed in the 2018-2022 Stability and Growth Pact.
Luís Graça, leader of the Socialist Party in the Algarve, proposed that the government presented a timetable for the construction of the new hospital in the Algarve, planned for the Parque das Cidades, between Faro and Loulé where a foundation stone ceremony already has been held twice in the past 12 years but which remains excluded from the government's current and future building programme.
The socialist MP called for a review of the process that was abandoned by coalition government in 2011.
"This is a long process, but the first step has been taken," said Luís Graça, stressing that the door to funding is already open in the next community framework.
"The Algarve deserved this good news,” said Graça, noting this was a serious matter for the life of the Algarve population."
A 2006 study put the Algarve second on the list for a new hospital but with insufficient staff to run the current regional hospitals, a new one also may suffer from shortages unless pay and conditions are addressed.