Hot weekend forecast for most of the country

6199Portugal is hotting up again, just in time for the weekend with fifteen districts on yellow alert as from Saturday morning.

All regions will see temperatures rise to those expected in an Iberian August with only Bragança, Vila Real and Viseu not reaching yellow, the third highest on the four colour scale.

Maximum temperatures will reach 40 ºC in Santarém, 37ºC in Évora and Beja, 33ºC in Lisbon, 30ºC in Porto and 32ºC in Faro on Saturday.

The yellow alert lasts until the end of Sunday and the usual warnings have been issued about staying cool, hydrated, lathering on a high factor sun block and checking on elderly neighbours.

The reason for rising thermometers, according to the IPMA weather service which says this is normal weather for the time of year, is due to the "transport of a mass of hot and dry air traveling through the Iberian Peninsula and Morocco."

This hot and dry weather is expected to stay until at least Tuesday, according to the IPMA, which says it may be hot, but it’s not as hot as during the early August heat wave.