Coffee prices likely to rise

coffeecupThe price of coffee beans has risen by 50% in just the last month.

The spike in the price of Arabica beans comes after costs fell in November to their lowest price in four years.

The hike has been put down to one of the driest summers on record in Brazil, the world’s largest Arabica producer accounting for about a third of global production.

Market analysts believe that the world’s supply of beans will be reduced as a result of Brazil’s production season being hit by the unusually dry weather.

Another factor effecting supply is the growing demand for coffee coming from China where tastes are changing away from green tea.

Consumers are likely to be forced to pay more for their cup of coffee. Research carried out last year in the UK discovered that only 8p out of a £2.20 cappuccino is down to the price of coffee, but retailers have already had to swallow one rapid increase and more may follow.