Ryanair faces €30 million compensation bill for June flight disruption

ryanair13An independent assessor of Ryanair’s liability towards 120,000 of its passengers, mucked about by nine days of strike action in July that saw hundreds of flights cancelled, estimates a total liability of €33 million if everyone affected knows their rights and bothers to complain.

The informed estimate is from the Airhelp website whose director of global communication, Paloma Salmerón, explained that compensation is owed to thousands of passengers, "whose holiday plans were destroyed by the poor management of the airline in recent months."

Salmerón’s opinion is that the cancellations and delays to Ryanair services this summer, have represented one of the most chaotic periods in its history.

Airhelp, which provides legal services to passengers who have suffered from canceled flights, warned that all airlines that are "at risk of major disruptions" during the high-season must be prepared to comply with their legal obligation to compensate passengers.

The Spanish State Air Safety Agency (AESA) warned before and after the Ryanair strikes that all passengers whose flight has been canceled within the two week claim period, "regardless of what has been said by the airline," have the right to apply for compensation of between €250 and €600 for the trouble caused.