Algarve's business fairs continue to thrive

marizaAlthough FATACIL’s Council organisers have not yet released the final numbers, it is expected that in excess of 170,000 people visited the Lagoa exhibition area between August 17th and 26th.

The best days were the two Saturdays with the fadista, Mariza helping to attract 25,000 and on the second Saturday, the singer Richie Campbell helped to bring in 26,000 visitors on the day.

The Council organisers had arranged more parking areas this year, which made access easier and the presence of the still hugely popular President of the Republic, Marcelo Rebelo da Sousa gave visitors a feel good factor as he posed for endless selfies, hugging and kissing members of the public, as is his wont.

Two Secretaries of State turned up, Miguel Freitas and José Apolinário, but the Prime Minister failed to show despite reports that he dined in a nearby restaurant while enjoying his Algarve holiday.

FATACIL – the 'Craft, Tourism, Agriculture, Commerce and Industry fair of Lagoa,' started in 1980 and soon was viewed as a pioneering initiative for business in the Algarve. It is now the largest such fair in the South of Portugal and has survived accusation of obscure accounts and hidden ratepayer subsidy through lean years.

The other business fair that attracts tourist and locals alike is the BLiP expo, traditionally held in Portimão in the autumn.

Organised by afpop, this year’s events will be held on the 13th and 14th of October at the Portimão Arena where a wide range of businesses showcase their products and services to residents in Portugal.

This event is supported by the regional tourist board. The sectors involved include health care, financial services, insurance, consular services, energy solutions, gardens and outdoor living, leisure, removals, fashion, pest control, windows, doors, security, blinds, artisans, travel, technology, funeral services, property, food and wines – and a chance to stock up on Christmas cards.

The fact that these two fairs were held each year during the long years of austerity is a tribute to the exhibitors medium to longer-term view that it is essential to promote brands and services during poor years as well as good.