Algarve's new look tourist board supports Better Living in Portugal Expo

portimaoarenaUnder the new directorship of João Fernandes, the Algarve’s regional tourist board is returning to two of the most important promotional events in the Algarve scheduled for the latter part of the year.

The Mediterranean Diet Fair, held in September in Tavira and the BLiP EXPO taking place on October 13th and 14th in the Portimão arena.(pictured)

The Mediterranean Diet Fair is in its sixth year and the tourist board is taking space for the four day event between September 6th and 9th.

This fair is receiving practical help from the tourist board in the graphic design for the event and in the production of the promotional materials outlining more than 100 activities in seven locations in Tavira.

The Mediterranean Diet "is a cultural, historical, social, environmental and territorial heritage, representing an ancient lifestyle marked by a healthy eating model based on close, fresh, seasonal products, marked by rituals and festivities," according to the promoters.
In October, the focus shifts to Portimão. The free-to-enter BLiP EXPO - Better Living in Portugal  is a comprehensive exhibition of products and services that aim to make life in Portugal an easy and pleasant experience.
BliP is organised by afpop with the direct support and involvement of the tourist board which realises the importance placed on the two day event by the dozens of exhibitors and thousands of visitors.

The advantages of living in Portugal will be outlined and explained by businesses working in health care, financial services, fashion, leisure, technology, consular services, energy solutions, security, and the food and wine sectors.