Portugal's tourist board entices Indian visitors with fado, beaches and shopping

culatraPortugal’s national Tourist Board has been on the road in New Delhi and Mumbai.

Specially tailored roadshows were attended by travel agencies, tour operators and trade partners who were treated to update about Portugal, the tourist opportunities, the main selling points of the destination, exchange rates information, visas and how the tourism sector caters for different segments of the Indian tourist sector.

The programme was divided into a ‘Business to Business’ (B2B) session where invitees met top managers and tourist board managers to discuss itineraries, pricing, how to build a package for those wanting to visit Portugal and how to attract the business and conference sectors.

The B2B session was followed by Filipe Silva from Turismo de Portugal who addressed the Indian agents and gave a presentation on Portugal.

Silva spoke about the outdoor activities, the safe and friendly environment, beaches, festivals, shopping and the nightlife in Portugal.

“The tourism revenue from India grew 25% in 2017 to a total of nearly €15 million, the number of bed nights grew 18.8% to 91.866 and the number of Indian guests grew 11.9% to 34,606 against 30,923 in 2016.

“Our main wish is for Indian travellers to have a good time in our country, to enjoy our landscape, our monuments, our food, our wine, our traditional song ‘fado’ and all the unique experiences our country has to offer,” said Silva.