Loulé Council extends water and sewage services to further villages

water2The public tender for a new water supply and sewage network for Clareanes, Malhada Velha and Carvalhal, all in the parish of S. Clemente, on the outskirts of the city of Loulé, has been approved.

The €2.5 million spend will improve the lives of 250 inhabitants.

This project involves the extension of the municipal water supply network by 6.1 kilometres to 17 kilometres to include sewers and pumping stations.

The works are expected to start at the end of the year and cause disruption for at least 18 months.

Loulé Council, like many in the Algarve, cut back on this sort of infrastructure project during the recession but now that Council funds again are accumulating, spending on long-overdue basic sanitation projects is a welcome sign that budgets are including this type of ‘hidden’ work.

The Council claims that providing basic sanitation to all of its municipal territory "is very important for the quality of life of the local population," it could hardly state otherwise, and it is hoped that the process continues and included those villages in the north of the Loulé area that are restricted to boreholes and septic tanks, aka, ‘holes in the ground.’