Portugal - 34,000 new companies registered in 12 months

businessparkThe number of new companies registered in Portugal in January this year was 4,289, a decrease of 22.6% year on year but the number of insolvencies fell 24.5% to 452 cases, according to the D&B barometer.

According to D&B, over the last 12 months 34,044 new companies have been registered, an increase of 3.0% year on year, while the number of insolvencies has dropped to 5,328 cases, 10.9% down on the previous year.

The figures show that over the past 12 months more companies were registered than the 14,174 that failed.

The analysis by business sector showed that the highest concentration of hopeful new companies were in the service sector - 34.6 % of total, followed by retail at 14.5%, and manufacturing 9.2%.

Lisbon, Oporto and Braga are the districts registering the most companies, more than half of the total.