Faro renovation plan for crumbling buildings

faro2Under the leadership of Faro mayor Rogério Bacalhau from the PSD/CDS-PP/MPT/PPM coalition, the council has agreed an inspired plan to reverse the dereliction of much of the city centre, and now has the support of the PSD party which has praised the 'effort and commitment of the Faro authority in its plan to halt and reverse the physical decline of deserted buildings which has increased in recent decades in downtown Faro.'

The creation of Urban Renewal Areas in three key downtown zones will start breathing new life into many of the old buildings that lie unoccupied and unloved.

There are over 200 vacant properties that come under the aegis of the new plan which offers a set of incentives including VAT and rate relief for buildings that are done up and subsequently occupied.

The programme has been developed in partnership with the University of the Algarve which sees an opportunity for many of its students to inhabit low cost accommodation in the city centre and for young businesspeople to take over vacant shops at low rents.

"With these measures we hope we can bring more young people and more fun to the downtown city areas that currently are badly aged and deserted. This may not bring immediate results because there is still a long way to go in sorting out the current difficult economic and financial situation in the municipality and in the country,' commented the PSD party spokesman.