Barcelona cracks down on pet owners

dogdangerousBarcelona is to further its concern for the “co-existence between residents and animals” by introducing new laws to protect animals.

Dogs must be walked on a lead, may not be left home alone for more than 12 hours and owners must clear up the poo. Any owner in defiance of the regulations could be fined up to €1,500.

Previously, dogs were allowed a certain latitude in being off the lead if they behaved well, but now can go free only in specially designated areas within the city.

Cats may not be left alone in a house for more than three days.

Leaving food for stray cats or feeding pigeons in public parks could incur a fine of €750.

Residents of the regional capital will be prohibited from breeding animals for sale. No one will be permitted to keep pet monkeys or horses inside the city limits.

Dogs will, however, be allowed on the city’s metro system outside of peak times.