Switss divulge details of suspicious BES accounts

submarineBank details that prosecutors suspected of belonging to politicians in the Submarine case have been released by Swiss authorities and turn out to be accounts held by BES Directors.

The Swiss Supreme Court decided to reveal the account holders to Portugal’s Public Prosecutor. The data relating to the three bank accounts was requested in May 2012 by Portugal’s Central Department of Investigation and Penal Action.

The information requested related to the criminal investigation into alleged crimes of corruption, influence peddling and money laundering in the purchase of two submarines from a German consortium.

After eight years of research in one of the most publicised cases in Portugal, the results obtained were not what the prosecutors were expecting. The DCIAP believed that the accounts belonged to politicians and were bribes. It turns out that the accounts were held by three members of the Board of the Espírito Santo Group although the reasons why these individuals were in receipt of funds has yet to be explained.