Fuel truck drivers announce new strike from 7th to 22nd of September

gnr fuel strikeThe Portuguese fuel truck drivers will conduct a “strategic strike” during overtime and on weekends and bank holidays from the 7th to the 22nd of September.

The announcement was made today by Francisco São Bento, the president of the National Hazardous Materials Drivers Union (SNMMP).

The decision to move on to another strike (after the previous one was called off by the union last Sunday) comes after the failure of negotiations during discussions between ANTRAM and the Union.

The previous strike had a discernible effect across the country, causing queues at fuel stations and limits on fuel usage. Moreover, the government put an emergency network of fuel stations in place in order to minimise the possibility of regions completely running out of fuel

For this new strike - in September – “the normal eight-hour working hours of any worker are assured to be worked as normal”. That is why Francisco São Bento does not see "the need to provide minimum services".

But for the trade unionist points out that “our work depends a lot on overtime, that was already proven in the last strike. Let us prove once again that the companies we work for are based on extra work,” he stated.

The main current point of contention is related to the increase by 125 euros to the drivers' monthly pay. The union is only willing to sit at the negotiating table with the Directorate-General for Employment and Labour Relations if this number is further increased to 175 euros, rejecting the previous increase.

As for other forms of struggle promised by the Union, in addition to the strike, Francisco São Bento said that "we will wait serenely" and "start what we were mandated in the workers' plenary on Sunday".

The previous general strike of fuel truck drivers lasted from the 12th to the 18th of August. The Government, however, has already publicly announced the end of the energy crisis that arose during the strike.