Fuel truck drivers’ union spokesman steps down

union spokesmanPedro Pardal Henriques, spokesman for Hazardous Material Drivers’ Union (SNMMP), has announced that he will no longer be the face of the Union.

In a statement sent to the press, the lawyer justified the decision with the candidacy for the next legislative elections, in which he will be the head candidate of Lisbon's Democratic Republican Party list, this party is led by Marinho Pinto. In the note, Pardal Henriques clarifies that he will, however, remain the legal representative of the union, which this Wednesday announced a new strike, this time focused on overtime, weekends and holidays.

“I will continue to legally represent this Union, as well as the Portuguese Security and Watchers Union, the Independent Lisbon Road Workers Union, as well as other unions and causes that I have accepted to defend, and I will do so with the same determination, dynamism and commitment as I aim to do in all the causes I advocate for,“ reads the note.

The lawyer emphasizes that he leaves the recent conflict, between the Government and the drivers "so as not to it so it could be interpreted as part of an election campaign."

With the candidacy to Parliament, Pardal Henriques says that he intends to “be an active voice for all causes” that he has been defending, and considers that “today they are not properly represented in the Portuguese Parliament”, giving the example of the parties' reactions to the strike that took place last week.

“Consider, for example, the reaction of the political parties, and especially the parliamentary parties, regarding the use of all possible means by force and alliance with other external companies, to decimate the constitutional rights of workers, who only demand payment for the work they do without fraudulent schemes”.

The lawyer, who has been the most popular figure in the drivers' struggle, points out that he never intended to start a political career and adds that he will continue to “practice law and defend (…) the new syndicalism”.