Makro open their doors to all consumers during the state of emergency

11makro openThe wholesale chain Makro is operating as of today as a regular retailer, on a temporary basis, and selling directly to all consumers, the company have announced.

Following the renewal of the state of emergency for another period of fifteen days, the current guidelines provide for "the possibility of issuing a temporary authorization, by the member of Government responsible for the economy, for the exercise of retail trade by wholesale establishments", Makro requested and obtained that authorization.

"As of this moment and in view of the renewal of the State of National Emergency in which Portugal finds itself as a result of the evolution of the cases of COVID-19, the company now makes its products available to all consumers", summarized David Antunes, executive director of Makro in Portugal.

This measure covers the brand's 10 stores in Portugal, including those in Faro and Albufeira. “We live in unprecedented times. We are going through a highly unstable and unpredictable situation, it is now up to us to take another step in supporting Portuguese society. We believe that at the moment we all have a public mission to fulfil. All together, we will be able to combat this humanitarian threat. In addition to the breadth of our food assortment, our stores have a larger dimension that naturally favours the ability to maintain safe distances between people, and Makro employees are fully prepared to respond to the demands of any customer ”, guaranteed Antunes .

In light of this openness to the general public, Makro also guarantees "support for all hotel, restaurant and small-business professionals, as well as for our suppliers, producers". “This whole new strategy, as well as the support we have given, has an increased focus on society. It is everyone's responsibility to do more and better in times like the ones we are experiencing right now. Faithful to our values, for us it could not be otherwise”, concluded the executive director of Makro Portugal.