Portugal beer sales up, reversing a decade of decline

superbockimageBrewing giant Unicer managed to increase beer sales in Portugal last year, the first rise in a decade of falling consumption.

Unicer’s last bumper year was 2004, the year in which Portugal hosted the European Cup in which Portugal reached the final, losing to Greece.  

Overall, Unicer sales dropped again mainly due to a sharp €33 million decline in exports to Angola. The home market grew by €6 million but João Abecasis, head of Unicer’s beer business, still apologised for the fall in exports because he is a true gent.

Total net sales of €463 million, €20 million less than the previous year but there was a 50% growth in new territories, particularly Brazil, Mozambique and, strangely, Saudi Arabia, which amounted to €2.2 million.

Established in 1927, Unicer is based in Leça do Balio, just outside the city of Oporto.

There is no pressing need for the CEO to drown his sorrows as gross earnings remained stable at €78 million.