Proposed regulation of benefits for volunteer firefighters in Silves

PROPOSED REGULATION OF BENEFITS FOR VOLUNTEER FIREFIGHTERS FROM SILVESThe Municipality of Silves have submitted a draft Municipal Regulation for the Attribution of Benefits to Voluntary Firemen in Silves, for public consultation within a period of 30 working days, starting today.

The intention is to grant the municipality with “new regulations that allow improving the living conditions of voluntary firefighters in the Silves municipality, with a view to increasing motivation, showing appreciation and ensuring personal and professional fulfillment in their work of protection and assistance to the public and their property, while guaranteeing all firefighters equal and impartial treatment”.

Among the various benefits suggested, if the draft is passed the municipality will provide firefighters with “50% compensation in the paid value of municipal property tax (IMI) that applies to own and permanent housing, the exemption of urban taxes, when the execution of construction works is in question. Recovery, improvement and / or rehabilitation in own and permanent housing, free access to museum spaces and other municipal cultural facilities or under municipal administration, as well as to cultural events organized by the municipality, a 50% reduction in prices on the use the services of the Municipal Swimming Pools and complex in Silves, for the frequency of physical and sports activities developed there, the priority in the allocation of social housing or other municipal social support,when in equal social conditions and circumstances with other candidates”.

“Also, first-degree descendants of volunteer firefighters, subject to the fulfillment of a set of conditions, may have priority in enrolling in activities of animation and family support (preschool), in access to educational services and educational vacation programs. , as well as in the awarding of scholarships in higher education, as long as there is academic achievement and when in equal social conditions and circumstances with other candidates ”, explained the municipality in detail.

During the public consultation period, the Humanitarian Associations of Voluntary Firefighters of the municipality of Silves will be heard, in the same way that any interested party may submit, in writing, their observations, suggestions and contributions on the said draft regulation available to view in Portuguese at  : . 

Public opinions should be addressed to the Mayor of Silves, Largo do Município, 8300-117 Silves, or by email to 

Original article available in Portuguese at