New state of calamity in Portugal comes in to force October 15th

NEW STATE OF CALAMITY IN PORTUGAL COMES IN TO FORCE OCTOBER 15THYesterday, the Portuguese Prime Minister, António Costa, announced that the level of alert for the country has again been raised to a State of Calamity, beginning 00:00 on Thursday 15th, until October 31st 2020.

The country has reinstated measures in attempt to control the recent rise in Covid cases.

The decree law has been published, with an informal English translation kindly made by Safe Communities Algarve, for information purposes only HERE.

In brief, as of today, where it was 10 people previously, gatherings on the public road are now limited to just five people – unless they are from the same household. The limitation applies to any space for public use, of a commercial nature and catering establishments.
There is a limit on all family events such as weddings, baptisms, etc to a maximum of 50 people. All are required to comply with the rules of physical distance, hand hygiene and individual protection, namely, the use of the mask. 

The use of a mask or visor on public roads is recommended, as well as the use of the STAYAWAY COVID mobile application, if your mobile phone supports the technology.

The security forces and the Food and Economic Security Authority (ASAE) will reinforce the inspection actions. The authorities will pay attention to the compliance with the rules presented here, both in relation to the gathering of people on the public road, and to the restrictions applied to commercial and catering establishments.
Commercial and catering establishments that do not scrupulously ensure compliance with the rules, may be punished with a fine. The calamity situation added to the fine, which can now go up to 10,000 euros.

The calamity situation allows the Government to adopt, whenever necessary, measures that are justified to contain the pandemic, such as, for example, circulation restrictions.

Read the Portuguese original decree here.