Faro mayor returns from Oporto, full of ideas

oportoThe mayors of Faro and Oporto are working together to promote tourism in both regions and are working on summer promotions, according to Faro's new mayor, Rogerio Bacalhau.

'The creation of greater levels of awareness and promotions in both regions' is the vacuous stated aim of these two Portuguese municipalities, 500 kilometres apart.

The day after returning from Oporto, the city where Bacalhau has been enjoying the hospitality afforded by Rui Moreira his northern counterpart, Bacalhau said that "the great theme of partnership will be all about tourism."

There will however be other areas to define, continued Bacalhau, assuming that "before the summer there will be concrete steps and concrete activities between Oporto and Faro councils.”

"For several months we shall be preparing and as soon as we have more concrete information we will make a joint presentation," added Bacalhau.

Many will no be holding their breath.

There has been no comment from the Algarve Tourism Board, or Portugal Tourism, which both must despair at ever keeping a grip on the spurious ‘initiatives’ announced by mayors who have strayed from their home base to enjoy extensive hoshpitality, returning full of wonderful plans to 'really put their council areas on the map.'