Portimão launches ‘There is Life in the City’ to boost trade

portimaoThe mayor of Portimão has laid out plans to regenerate trade in the town centre with a set of initiatives that will involve locals to 'strengthen social ties and foster community spirit.'

The 'There's Life in the City’ programme was presented by Portimão’s mayor, Isilda Gomes, at a meeting attended by dozens of local business owners.

"We can only do something if all we row in the same direction," said the mayor as she described the many actions the council are taking to help bring trade back to the city centre.

Some upgrade work has already stated such as altering traffic flows, the repair and tarting up of public areas by pruning trees, making sure the fountains work, and the long-overdue repair of pavements.

In terms of urban regeneration Gomes said there soon will be tax exemptions, similar to those in Faro, for the owners of buildings who want to repair and renovate.

Between June and September shops can remain open until 23.00 and there will be street entertainment, parades and nightly music and dance events.

For locals, Gomes announced that the citizens’ shop in the Rua do Comércio should be opened by July to include all municipal services.

For tourists arriving by cruise ship there will be multilingual guides running tours between points of interest in the city and Praia da Rocha.

"We must have great faith with no crossing of arms or throwing in the towel" said Gomes, addressing the traders at the presentation last Thursday, adding that she welcomes suggestions and criticism.

Portimão council is in debt to the tune of €130 million, an Algarve record and near the top of the national league of insolvent councils. The council is struggling to pay its current costs, let alone repay the many short and longer term loans incurred under the previous regime of Manuel da Luz.

Boosting trade in the city centre will help the community spirit and hopefully keep traders in business, rather than joing the unemployed, another area in which Portimão leads the Algarve.