Most Brits buy only cheapest wines

vinesMore than half the residents of Britain refuse to pay more than £6 for a bottle of wine.

According to the study conducted by drinks specialist Harpers 54% said they would not spend more than £6 and only 7% say they would pay more than £10.

Wine producers claim that a £6 price tag means that they can not make any profit.

The study said that price wars among the large supermarkets are a large factor in encouraging people to buy by price rather than quality. Supermarkets are said to pursue this strategy because it is effective in getting people into their stores in the hope they will buy other goods while there.

Suppliers are said to be aware of this and consequently ship cheap wines to the UK.

The study – due to be published next month – will also show that nevertheless knowledge of wines is growing among Brits. 70% of men and 60% of women were able to name at least one grape variety.