The chocolate fiends of Britain

chocolateIn the rapid approach to the best day of the year for chocolate, research has shown that one in six Britons indulge in chocolate every day.

Some eight million throughout the land admit to enjoying some chocolate daily while a further 17% say they consume it between four and six times a week.

The research, conducted by the consumer analyst group Mintel, disclosed that only one in 20 said they never eat chocolate. They comprise “just a small minority”, according to Mintel.

Not surprisingly, younger people consume the most chocolate. For those aged between 25 and 34, one in four say they have some chocolate each day.

Most popular turns out to be plain chocolate. Three-quarters of the nation prefer this. Bars filled with caramel or other specialities proved the second most popular.

Least popular were white chocolate and dark chocolate.

Londoners consume the most amount of chocolate on a daily basis (26% indulge daily).

Next were the 17% of Scots who eat it every day, followed closely by 16% in Wales and the South West and 15% in the West Midlands and the North West.

Least likely to have a daily chocolate fix were people in East Anglia (12%) and Yorkshire and Humberside (11%).

Both men and women were shown to have a nearly equal liking for chocolate treats.

“Its status as a personal treat remains an ingrained part of consumers' diets, despite the recent focus on the role of foods high in fat and sugar in the nation's weight gain”, said Richard Ford, senior food and drink analyst at Mintel.

Easter eggs? Make mine Fabergé.