Nine out of ten young drivers tested zero for alcohol

drinkNine out of ten young drivers stopped and breathalised over the Easter weekend in Lisbon and Vilamoura were found to have a 0% or negligible blood alcohol level.

The 100% Cool campaign took place under the supervision of the GNR supported by the National Association of Spirits to promote road safety.

The operation was aimed at young drivers between 18 and 30-years old who were stopped on Friday night/Saturday morning and tested .

The secretary general of the drinks Association, Mario Moniz Barreto, considers it "very positive that young people are increasingly aware of the dangers of driving under the influence of alcohol and that most comply with the law."

To Barreto the ‘100% Cool’ campaign over Easter again proved that the positive approach to reduced or zero alcohol consumption is an effective way to encourage young people to adopt healthier lifestyles.

The campaign focuses on young people using bars and nightclubs, with rewards for those who has not been drinking at all.