PORTUGAL: 98% are worried about the rising cost of living and poverty

PORTUGAL: 98% ARE WORRIED ABOUT THE RISING COST OF LIVING AND POVERTYAccording to the latest European statistical report released today, the increase in the cost of living, as well as poverty and social exclusion, are the issues that most concern the Portuguese.

98% of national citizens identified the increase in the cost of living, for example, through the increase in the price of food and energy products, as the most worrying issue.

According to the latest Eurobarometer, or European statistical report, which surveyed 1,028 Portuguese citizens out of a total of 26,431 citizens belonging to Member States of the European Union (EU), 98% of national citizens identified the increase in the cost of living, through the increase in the price of food products and energy as the most worrying issue, a percentage that is five percent higher than the average.

Despite the concern, 47% of national respondents replied that so far they are living with some comfort with the income they have, while 40% revealed that they currently face some difficulties and 9% said that they face a lot of difficulties with their current income. Compared to the European average, 46% answered that they live comfortably with the income they have, while 36% say they experience some difficulties.

The next topic that most concerns the national population is poverty and social exclusion (95%). Here there is a larger gap from the European average, in which 82% responded that this was a major concern.

But the biggest disparity arises when the question is about the possibility of spreading infectious diseases like covid-19 or monkeypox. The Portuguese are more fearful than the European average, since 83% responded that they were “worried” about this, as opposed to the EU average, which is 62%.

With the start of the war in Ukraine almost a year away and with no end in sight, the fear of a nuclear escalation in the conflict continues to hover, which was reflected in most of the 1,028 Portuguese citizens surveyed. 89% responded that they fear “nuclear incidents” and only 9% responded that this issue does not raise concerns. Looking at the group of countries in the community bloc, 74% believe that the risk is real, while 25% dismiss this possibility

Also questioned about the state of the country in general, 43% of the Portuguese surveyed considered that they are going “in the wrong direction”, but here the Portuguese are below the European average, which is 62%. 30% of national citizens consider that Portugal is on the right path, 16% do not know and 11% consider that the situation in the country remains the same.

Regarding the state of the European Union, when asked “are things are going in the wrong direction" 35% of the Portuguese said yes, contrasting with the average European percentage (51%). The same percentage of Portuguese (35%) consider that the European Union 'is' on the right track.

However, more than half of the Portuguese (52%, in the sample of 1,028) are optimistic about the future of the community bloc. Within this 52%, the population aged between 15 and 24 years old and between 40 and 54 years old show a greater share of optimism in relation to the future of the EU, 52% and 61%, respectively.