Man disappears at Almogarve beach, Odemira

beachalmograve2The Captain of the Port of Sines reported this afternoon that a man had disappeared in a rocky area at Almograve beach in an area where there was a lot of surf.  It was impossible to see below the waves and dangerous for rescue service personnel to enter the water.

The 47-year old disappeared on Friday afternoon and the Maritime Police and the Lifeboat service were soon looking for him but with no success.  He had entered the water while playing with a ball but never returned to the beach.

Captain Velho Gouveia said that some people had seen the man in difficulty, “but they could not help him," adding that the area in question is too difficult for searches due to the rocks and the surf.

"It is impossible to view anything that is on or below the surface," added the Captain.

Almograve beach is one of the most beautiful beaches of Alentejo coastline, mainly because of its dark colour of black schist layers and by the shape of its cliffs.

There are two different zones in Almograve: the rocky cliffy beach in the south and the sandy beach close to the dunes in the north next to the car park and to the main road - most beach-goers stick to the sandy north area.

The unfortunate man was at the southern end where the rocks are a danger especially when the sea is anything more than calm.