Portugal - tax cuts in 2015, maybe

piresdelimaIn the clearest application of government gloss, as international funders await Portugal’s re-entry into the grown-up world of self-sufficiency, the Economy Minister has heralded company tax rate cuts for 2015.

“There are great companies in Portugal and I very much believe in the ability of companies," said António Pires de Lima, adding that the Portuguese can be confident in the economic recovery of the country and that the descent of taxes should be one of the objectives of the Government from 2015.

"From 2015 it can and should be a goal of the Government to reverse the trend that has been observed hitherto in raising taxes, but these and other matters could not even be discussed if we were not about to finish our assistance programme," said businessman turned politician, Pires de Lima.

The minister was speaking at a lecture on economic recovery in Portugal where topics such as raising the national minimum wage and reducing the tax burden were discussed.

"I think we are living in a time of hope, but I also know that this must be felt in the pockets of the Portuguese," said the Minister, showing already a deft grasp of political objectivity after less than a year in the job.

His talk was given at a meeting organised by Entrepreneurs for Social Inclusion to whom the Minister deftly handed the task of leading the economic recovery in Portugal.

"It is not only the State that symbolises the hopes of the Portuguese (sic), but also it is businesses and entrepreneurs which should give out these signals. I appeal to the patriotism of companies to invest in Portugal and increase productivity," said the Minister, slipping back into the political mysticism* that characterises the current executive.



*the belief in the existence of a state of reality hidden from ordinary human understanding