Portugal - clean funding exit, or not?

parliamentThe Minister for Parliamentary Affairs, Marques Guedes, announced today that the government will announce the terms and method of Portugal’s final exit from the financial assistance programme before the end of this coming weekend.

Guedes said that the Council of Ministers will meet again this week to decide on life post-Troika and said that the decision on the ‘hows and wherefores’ will be communicated to the Portuguese public before the end of the weekend.

According to Guedes, Portugal is being 'cautious' and needs to take its time before deciding between a clean exit from the current programmme or whether a precautionary finance programme should be put in place to underwrite any potential funding problems on the international market.

Prime Minister Passos Coelho said in late April that the government will announce its decision on the country’s exit from the current bailout programme after the completion of the final Troika review and before May 5, the date of the next Eurogroup meeting - he is on time.